Famous brands include...
An exciting new department
store has arrived in Cleveleys!
Millstores Location
Nutter Road, Cleveleys FY5 1BGOpen 7 days
Monday to Saturday - 9am to 5pm Sunday - 10am to 4pm
Check out our other stores
Situated in the beautiful West Lancashire village of Tarleton, The Courtyard is packed full of your favourite well-known brands. You’ll certainly know the names it’s the prices that won’t be too familiar!
Courtyard Tarleton, Preston PR4 6UP
Call us on 01772 815068

A visit to Ena Mill is a genuine day out. Over 200 famous brand names packed into 45,000 square feet, offering top quality and fantastic value for money!
Ena Mill Atherton M46 0HB
Call us on 01942 882 406Famous brands include...
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